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ZBA Minutes 5-2-2017

MAY 2, 2017
Joint Board Public Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Chris Condon (PB Chair), Jeanne Cahoon(PB Vice-Chair) ,
Colleen Giffin (Staff), John Giffin (ZBA Chair),
Ron Haggett (ZBA Vice-Chair),
Ray Ledgerwood (ZBA Member), Steve MacDonald (PB Member),
Janet McEwen (PB Member) Shelley Nelkens (ZBA Member)
Public Attendees: Kevin Fadden
7:00 PM Public  Meeting: The Chairs opened each Board’s meeting
respectively at 7:00 pm. The Chairs each introduced the
Board members and explained the Public Meeting.
Chair Giffin asked the Land Use Board Assistant if Notices
were posted in three public places. Ms. Giffin answered the
Notice were put up in the Post office, up on the inside
and outside bulletin boards at the Town Hall and on the town website.
Chair Condon asked ITW representative Kevin
Fadden to present his request to the Boards. Mr. Fadden explained
to the Board that ITW was coming before the Board as a courteous.
The ITW would like the Boards to formally extend the time limit 18 month.
These 18 months would be added onto the current notice of decision date
listed by both the ZBA and the Planning Board.  The 18 months represented the time the appeal case was in court.
The Chairs then opened the floor up to questions.
There was some confusion about the dates and the extension, but it was cleared up by Chair Giffin.
Motion:  Ms. McEwen made a motion that the applicant has
until March 23, 2019 to start construction and nine
(9) months after the start of construction the facility must be operational. Ms Cahoon seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all Planning Board members agreed.
Motion:  Mr. Haggett made a motion  that due to litigation the
applicant was unable to start construction within the
approved period, and that since the litigation took
18 months to resolve, the Board hereby agrees
that the applicant has until November 26, 2018 to
exercise the special exception granted to it by the Zoning Board on May 26, 2015. Mr. Ledgerwood seconded
Roll Call Vote: Ledgerwood yes, Giffin yes, Haggett Yes, Nelkens abstained.

Motion:   Ms. McEwen made a motion to adjourn the Planning Board.    Ms. Cahoon  seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Motion:   Mr. Haggett made a motion to adjourn the Zoning Board.    Mr. Ledgerwood  seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.
Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin, Planning